Contoh Karangan Cerita Inggris - skripsi man (dulrohman webs)

Kamis, 10 Desember 2015

Contoh Karangan Cerita Inggris

Live “Talk Show” on television
By Nur Falah
Nowadays there are many television programs, like: comedy show, Korean drama, sinetron, quiz, celebrity news, live music show, news etc.  When I was child, I didn’t like to watch news, because it made me bored, I thought it is just waste my time to watch the president visit to abroad, crime, market price etc. One day, I asked to my father “Father, why do you like news most? You disturb me, I want to watch satria Baja Hitam, there is on another channel”, and I turned to another channel, without my father’s permission, he was angry to me, and he asked me to went out home and play games with my friends, but I wanted to watch the film, I just sat down on floor waiting for commercial break. When it was commercial break I turn it to another channel that there has a film of satria Baja Hitam, but my father asked me to another channel which there has news too. It was when I’m six grade of elementary school. After that accident I never change the channel, if my father was watching news on television. I just sat down behind him to watch it together. When I was junior school, I had become accustomed to watch news, and step by step I become like it. When I graduated from Junior High School, In 2004 I always watched news about Tsunami in Aceh; it made me sympathy to the people living in Aceh. They became no house, lost their relatives. Everyday, television showed the talk show about Aceh, about Tsunami, what the specialist’s opinion about tsunami. I preferred to watch talk show than news, because I though talk show is communicative with the audience, we can call or send a message if we have question about the topic being talking over. In the beginning my senior high school, I begun accustomed to stay up, because I want to watch the program in Global TV, the name of program was Begadang, it was such a young men or young women hot topic recently, it talked over about the interesting place, fashion, music, trend, concert info, etc for the young men and young women. Everyday I only watch Live “talk show” on Television, such as Ceriwis, Empat Mata, but now the name of program changed to be Bukan Empat Mata, gossip, hallo polisi, kick Andy, Just Alvin. Know there are so many talk show program on TV such as Show_Imah, Hitam Putih, Semangat Pagi, Online, Radio On TV, Mata Nazwa etc. I have some reasons why I like to watch Talk Show on TV because:
1.      Entertaining
In the talk show on television they give such a music show, they give little bit some jokes, not too serious, relax, they have many tricks to make the audience stay on to watch them, so the audience feel entertaining. The audiences still pay attention and know more information in the detail.
2.      The news is more accurate
Why I say like that, because the source information’s are come from   specialist or the people acted in what the topic being in. by all means the news what has journalist packed in the news program is accurate too, but the talk show is communicative and directly come from the source it make the audience more sure.
3.      Interesting
On the Talk Show they give the audience such a quiz and the audience who can answer what the presenter’s question, the audience can get the prize such money, goody bag or other from the sponsor or tv itself. Or else they make something like games, invite the fortune teller, magician etc, so it make the talk show interesting.

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